Symposium Speaker Karl Hagstrom Miller on Research Inspiration, Segregating Sound, and Multidisciplinarity

Symposium Speaker Karl Hagstrom Miller on Research Inspiration, Segregating Sound, and Multidisciplinarity Southern Studies graduate student Chris Colbeck interviewed Music of the South Symposium speaker Karl Hagstrom Miller on April 6, 2016. Chris, whose own thesis project is on music, interviewed Miller as part of a series of Southern Documentary Project interviews with Center speakers.

Interview with Brown Bag Speaker Cynthia Joyce

Interview with Brown Bag Speaker Cynthia Joyce This fall we, with the help of the Southern Documentary Project, started a series of occasional interviews of the Center’s Brown Bag speakers. In November, University of Mississippi Journalism Professor Cynthia Joyce spoke about her book Please Forward: How Blogging Reconnected New Orleans After Katrina. In the interview,

Snapshots from the Semester – Grad Student Guest Post

Here, an end of the semester photo wrap-up with second year Southern Studies grad student Sophie Hay, who documents Center events and life as part of her assistantship. Follow the Center on Instagram for more photos by Sophie and others. Snapshots from the Semester Fall semester has been a busy one in Barnard Observatory; the

Maarten Zwiers on James O. Eastland and Teaching the South in the Netherlands

We’re starting an occasional series of interviews of visiting speakers at the Center by Southern Studies grad students who are working with Dr. Andy Harper and the Southern Documentary Project. These interviews will explore a scholar’s inspiration to pursue a particular line of research and their experiences teaching courses on the American South in different contexts.

Watch the New SouthDocs/MDAH Voting Rights Act Film

A few weeks ago we had the premiere screening of a new SouthDocs short about the 1965 Voting Rights in Mississippi, produced in partnership with the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. You can now watch it on the MDAH YouTube page and below. Read more about the film on the MDAH website, too.

Interview and Lecture by Gilder-Jordan Speaker Theda Perdue Available

GIlder-Jordan Lecture with Theda Perdue Recap Dr. Theda Perdue presented the 2015 Gilder-Jordan Lecture in Southern Cultural History on September 9. Her talk, partially inspired by the religious studies scholarship of Charles Reagan Wilson, was titled “Indians and Christianity in the New South.” On the morning of the lecture, Dr. Mikaëla M. Adams of the

Voting Rights Act Film Screening Tuesday in Jackson

On Tuesday, September 22 at 5:30pm, the Mississippi Department of Archives and History will host a screening of a new Southern Documentary Project film, 50 Years and Forward: The Voting Rights Act in Mississippi. The short film is a project of MDAH and SouthDocs, utilizing archival material from a number of MDAH collections to tell Mississippi stories through film.

SouthDocs Film Wins Emmy for Best Historical Documentary

The Toughest Job: William Winter’s Mississippi, a film by Matthew Graves of the Southern Documentary Project, won an Emmy for best historical documentary from the Southeast division of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The awards were announced on Saturday, June 6 in Atlanta, and Graves attended the ceremony. “It was such an