Meet Our First Year Graduate Students

One of the most compelling aspects of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture is its eclectic faculty, staff, and students. This fall the Center welcomed 12 new students into its Southern Studies MA program, all of whom contribute to the Center’s notable diversity.

Grad Student Guest Post: Virginia Anderson on Determining a Thesis Topic

Today, another guest post from a grad student, this time from a second year who is hard at work on her thesis.  Virginia Anderson grew up in Staunton, Virginia and holds an undergraduate degree in English and religious studies from UM and a master’s in religious studies from the University of Colorado, Boulder.  Her research

Grad Student Guest Post: Sophie Hay on Applying to Grad School

We’ll feature an occasional post by our Southern Studies grad students.  First up, Sophie Hay, who comes to us from the University of Birmingham in the U.K.  She’s a first year in the Southern Studies Master’s program.  Her research interests include the civil rights movement, gender, and African American literature. Thinking of applying to Graduate

Professor and Students Participate in Program Examining Slave Dwellings

This article, by Dr. Jodi Skipper, originally appeared in the Spring 2014 issue of the Southern Register.  Check out our archive of past Registers for more. Interpreting the Enslaved: The Behind the Big House Program in Holly Springs, Mississippi For the past two years, Southern Studies students have helped to fill gaps in Mississippi interpretations

Hamilton Wins Prize for Documentary Work

Hamilton’s thesis, “Bottling Hell: Myth-making, Cultural Identity, and the Datil Pepper of St. Augustine,” was the winner of the Ann Abadie Award for Documentary Media. The annual award goes to the Southern Studies student (undergraduate or graduate) with the best documentary film, photography project, audio recording, or website.

Grad Student Receives Summer Internship Grant

Lindsey Reynolds, a Southern Studies graduate student and Nathalie Dupree Graduate Fellow with the Southern Foodways Alliance, received a grant from the Julian and Kathryn Wiener Endowment to fund her summer internship at Garden & Gun magazine in Charleston, South Carolina.

Southern Writers, Southern Writing Grad Conference

The 20th Annual Southern Writers, Southern Writing Grad Conference will begin later this week.  This conference is led by graduate students in one of our partner departments, the University of Mississippi Department of English. Center Director Dr. Ted Ownby will provide a welcome, and the Southern Foodways Alliance Board President Sara Roahen will give a