Brian Foster Named Humanities Teacher of the Year

Foster enjoys designing courses to challenge and engage students Brian Foster is enjoying quite a successful conclusion to a wild ride of a year: the University of North Carolina published his book, he learned he would be co-editor of a prestigious sociology journal, and earned the honor of Mississippi Humanities Teacher of the Year. Foster, assistant professor

Reflections from the Field: Discovering International Memphis

Written by Simone Delerme “When I want to feel better, I drive down Summer Avenue. There I can see the past, present and future diversity and humanity of Memphis.” 1 I discovered Summer Avenue—a commercial district in Memphis, Tennessee—while working on an oral history project in 2016. I was interviewing Latino restaurant owners, workers, and

Southern Studies MA Students to Present Projects on May 1

Southern Studies MA Students to Present Projects on May 1 On Tuesday, May 1 at 7pm, the Center will host Documentary Thesis Presentations for Southern Studies M.A. students Rachel Childs, Rebecca Lauck Cleary, and Victoria De Leone. The event will be at the Burns-Belfry Museum and Multicultural Center, 710 Jackson Avenue East in Oxford.  

Announcing the STUDY THE SOUTH Research Fellowship at the University of Mississippi

Scholars researching the history of the South now have an opportunity for funded research in the collections of the Department of Archives and Special Collections at the J. D. Williams Library at the University of Mississippi. The Study the South research fellowship, sponsored by the Center for the Study of Southern Culture and the Department of Archives and Special Collections, will provide funding of $1,500 to one qualified scholar, who will also have access to a carrel in the library.

An Interview with Dr. D’Andra Orey

Dr. D’Andra Orey of Jackson State University gave a Brown Bag talk on Wednesday, April 12 as part of the Center’s Radical South Brown Bag Series, presented in partnership with the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies. Documentarian Chris Colbeck interviewed him about his research, and you can watch the interview here.

Southern Hip-Hop Week: Day 2 – Brian Foster on Rap-centered Aspirations

Up today, an academic article by new Southern Studies faculty member Brian Foster. His article “Everybody Gotta Have a Dream”: Rap-centered Aspirations among Young Black Males Involved in Rap Music Production – A Qualitative Study” was published in 2014 in Issues in Race and Ethnicity: An Interdisciplinary Global Journal.

Symposium Speaker Karl Hagstrom Miller on Research Inspiration, Segregating Sound, and Multidisciplinarity

Symposium Speaker Karl Hagstrom Miller on Research Inspiration, Segregating Sound, and Multidisciplinarity Southern Studies graduate student Chris Colbeck interviewed Music of the South Symposium speaker Karl Hagstrom Miller on April 6, 2016. Chris, whose own thesis project is on music, interviewed Miller as part of a series of Southern Documentary Project interviews with Center speakers.

Clothing and Fashion in Southern History Symposium Next Week

Clothing and Fashion in Southern History February 22 – 23, 2016 The Center will host a symposium on Clothing and Fashion in Southern History on February 22 – 23. The symposium will convene scholars from the fields of history and cultural studies who will contribute essays to a forthcoming book on the subject. The scholars

Skipper and Wharton Publish Research on Lafayette Mardi Gras Celebrations

Dr. Jodi Skipper and Dr. David Wharton have been documenting and studying black Mardi Gras celebrations in Lafayette, Louisiana for several years. Their research was just published in the Summer 2015 issue of The Southern Quarterly, a publication of the University of Southern Mississippi.