Edward L. Ayers to Present 2016 Gilder-Jordan Lecture on September 7

The Gilder-Jordan Lecture in Southern Cultural History will take place at 7pm on Wednesday, September 7 in Nutt Auditorium on the UM campus. The 2016 lecturer is Edward L. Ayers of the University of Richmond, and his talk will be “When History Doesn’t Move in a Straight Line: The Civil War Then and Now.”

Brown Bag Lectures Begin Next Week

Fall 2016 Brown Bag Schedule The Fall 2016 Southern Studies Brown Bag Lunch and Lecture Series begins next week. All lectures take place in Barnard Observatory’s Tupelo Room from noon to 1 p.m., are free and open to the public, and occur most Wednesdays during the semester. Wednesday, Aug. 31: “The Culture of Breastfeeding. ”John

Marco Pave and Alfred Banks Discuss Southern Hip-Hop, Perform as Part of River Kings Tour

The Center will present “Bar-b-que and Gumbo: Hip-Hop Politics in Two River Cities,” a discussion with Marco Pavé of Memphis and Alfred Banks of New Orleans as part of their River Kings Tour on Friday, September 2 at 2pm in Lamar Hall 326 on the UM campus. Kiese Laymon will moderate the conversation. Co-sponsors include the UM Department of Music, UM African American Studies Program, the UM Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and the Winter Institute.

Photographer Todd Bertolaet presents Wednesday’s Brown Bag Lecture

Photographer Todd Bertolaet presents Wednesday’s Brown Bag Lecture After hearing a story on Nation Public Radio about the population loss figures for rural counties (as reflected by the 2010 Census), Todd Bertolaet decided to photograph the courthouse square districts of the county seats of some of the rural areas in the southern United States that

Symposium Speaker Karl Hagstrom Miller on Research Inspiration, Segregating Sound, and Multidisciplinarity

Symposium Speaker Karl Hagstrom Miller on Research Inspiration, Segregating Sound, and Multidisciplinarity Southern Studies graduate student Chris Colbeck interviewed Music of the South Symposium speaker Karl Hagstrom Miller on April 6, 2016. Chris, whose own thesis project is on music, interviewed Miller as part of a series of Southern Documentary Project interviews with Center speakers.

Music of the South Symposium to Explore Defining and Presenting Traditional Music

Music of the South Symposium:Defining and Presenting Tradition in Southern Music – Wednesday, April 6, 2016 This spring’s Music of the South Symposium will investigate the creation and performance of the South’s various traditional music forms. The one-day symposium, “Defining and Presenting Traditional Music,” sponsored by the Center, Living Blues magazine, and the Blues Archive,

Michael Pierce Gives Brown Bag Lecture This Wednesday

Michael Pierce Gives Brown Bag Lecture This Wednesday Michael Pierce, associate professor of history at the University of Arkansas, gives this Wednesday’s Brown Bag Lecture on “The Making of Walmart America: The Rise and Fall of New Deal Liberalism in Arkansas, 1941-1992.” Michael Pierce is associate professor of history at the University of Arkansas.  He

Brown Bag Speaker Interviews by Grad Student Chris Colbeck

This school year, grad student Chris Colbeck, working with the Southern Documentary Project, has done a series of interviews with speakers following their Brown Bag talks. Interviews have included questions about research inspiration and methods, the role of the academy in understanding public policy, and teaching James Agee and Walker Evans.

Margaret McMullan Gives Special Lecture Wednesday

Margaret McMullan Gives Special Lecture Wednesday On Wednesday March 2, to begin the 23rd annual Oxford Conference for the Book, Margaret McMullan gives a special Brown Bag at 11 a.m. in the Faulkner Room in Archives and Special Collections at the J. D. Williams Library. McMullan is the author of seven award-winning novels, including her

Dave Tell Discusses Emmett Till Wednesday

Dave Tell discusses Emmett Till Wednesday Dave Tell, who teaches history and the­ory of rhetoric courses on American public discourse in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas, discusses “The Emmett Till Memory Project” on Feb. 17. “I provide a material and intellectual history of this infrastructure, and explain how the digital