The University of Mississippi had the first MA program in Southern Studies, with the first students entering the program in 1986. The Southern Studies graduate program is a two-year interdisciplinary program, with faculty in literature, history, sociology, anthropology, music, foodways, religion, documentary studies, and other fields. Set in the Center for the Study of Southern Culture, the program has strong ties to the Southern Foodways Alliance, the Southern Documentary Project, and Living Blues Magazine. Students take courses in multiple disciplines, learn documentary methods, study the past, present, and future, and have the freedom to write theses, do documentary projects, and pursue internships. Graduate assistantships are available.

What does one do with a Southern Studies MA degree? Read the answer Center for the Study of Southern Culture director Ted Ownby wrote in a recent column.

Here’s a list of many of the theses and internships of alumni of the Southern Studies MA program.

The deadine to apply is February 1, 2019. Contact Graduate Coordinator Katie McKee with questions.