Join the Coalition for the Study of Race & Racism (CSRR) for the fourth annual faculty and graduate student forum on Race and Ethnicity

Date: Monday, Feb. 24, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Triplett Alumni Center-Butler Auditorium

 The CSRR invites University of Mississippi faculty as well as graduate students to take part in a cross-disciplinary conversation about research and other projects related to the study of race and ethnicity, broadly stated, in the United States and abroad. Faculty and students from all levels of study and from all campuses and schools at the University of Mississippi are welcome.

Participants will join a panel and give a 7-10 minute presentation of their work.

Formal papers and PowerPoints are not necessary for participation
We especially encourage submissions highlighting research about law, identity, racialization, politics, inequalities, and the environment.

SHARE your research and receive feedback on ideas connected to an article, dissertation proposal, chapter, documentary work or other projects in a casual and supportive environment. We welcome film, essay, and poetry submissions as well. Each panel will be followed by informal, cross-disciplinary dialogues exploring future directions for research.

MEET other University of Mississippi faculty and graduate students across schools, disciplines, and departments working on subjects related to race and ethnicity in different parts of the world.

Deadline for submissions: Monday, January 27, 2025

Submissions should include:

  • Your name, email address, department, and university affiliation (faculty/student)
  • Title of your presentation
  • 100-200 word description of your presentation
  • Brief 1-2 line biography
  • Availability for panel I, II, or III

Please submit this information to Simone Delerme, McMullan Associate Professor of Southern Studies and Anthropology,

Tentative Schedule:

10-11 a.m.:           Panel I

11-noon:           Panel II

12-1 p.m.:             Lunch

1-2 p.m.:               Panel III

2-3 p.m.:              Keynote Speaker

*The CSRR is a new initiative supported by and housed within the Center for the Study of Southern Culture. The Coalition’smission is to provide a centralized home for scholars at the University of Mississippi and elsewhere whose research interests include describing, analyzing, understanding, and explaining the historical and contemporary significance of race and racism, in the United States and abroad.