SouthDocs Works with MDAH on Voting Rights Act Film
Documentary Partnership WITH MDAH Explores the Voting Rights Act
The Center and our institute the Southern Documentary Project just began working with the Mississippi Department of Archives and History on a short film about the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which was signed 50 years ago on August 6, 1965. The film will be screened at MDAH in the fall of 2015 – more details to come on that.
SouthDocs director Andy Harper and I went down to Jackson last week for the first round of interviews. Below are a few photos by Andy with our very impressive group of interviewees. We’ll report back as the research and filming process continues.
Thanks to our friends at MDAH – Julia Young, Leandra Straka-Orr, Amanda Lyons, and Katie Blount – for organizing everything. Learn more about Southern Studies alum Katie, recently named head of MDAH, in an earlier blog post.