Sarah Caroline Crall

This project dives into natural spaces in (or just outside) Oxford, that have sparked inspiration and created a unique type of stillness for me, and I hope to translate that through my imagery to others. The different landscapes I shot not only feel calm and still as you experience the magic of the place in person, but I hope that my photos can actually feel peaceful and slow you down as well. I aim through my work to show the natural side of Oxford that provides a pause amidst the buzz, and that feels like an exhale. I want this project to inspire people to go exploring and consider ways they can rediscover what this place has to offer. There is so much more to see in this area than what most people traditionally think of – there is true richness and depth to find… if only you go searching. Once you find this Oxford, you unlock a completely new side; you just have to peel back the layers. After all, you don’t have to go far to feel like you’re a world away.

Hi, I’m Sarah Caroline Crall, and I’m currently a senior in the Honors College pursuing a degree in visual journalism and environmental studies. I have a deep love for the natural beauty of our world, and I’ve always been inspired to create art that illuminates its magic. While so much of my love for nature and storytelling was shaped by growing up in the tropics down in Palm Beach, FL, over the years I’ve spent as a student in Mississippi, I’ve actually grown exponentially in my desire to create and to discover landscapes rich in abundant beauty as well. I hope to someday be able to make a wide impact through my photography and videography work in bringing others to a deeper appreciation of natural spaces and a desire for protecting our planet.