Ashish Shrestha
Silent Fields

As a filmmaker and a native of Damauli, my work seeks to explore and preserve the cultural and social narratives of my hometown. Through my latest documentary, I delve into the poignant tale of Damauli’s vibrant sports culture—a culture that thrived on the communal bonds formed on the football fields and basketball courts, now silenced by unfulfilled promises and stalled dreams.

This film is more than just a documentary; it is a personal journey back to the fields I once called home, where the echoes of laughter and cheers have been replaced by the quiet of abandonment. It is a visual and emotional exploration of what happens when community hubs are lost, and the impact of such losses on the youth and future generations.

Through this narrative, I aim to ignite a conversation about the importance of recreational spaces in fostering talent and community spirit, and the consequences of neglecting such spaces. My goal is to inspire action and hope—encouraging communities to advocate for the revitalization of local infrastructure that once brought them together, ensuring that future generations have the same opportunities to play, grow, and excel.

This project is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring hope that drives us to reclaim and restore our communal heritage. It is a call to remember, to act, and to dream of fields alive with the energy of competition and camaraderie once more.”

From the majestic landscapes of Nepal to the diverse communities that adorn its countryside, I, Ashish Shrestha, have always found inspiration in the uncharted terrains of my homeland. As a passionate filmmaker and avid traveler from Nepal, my journey began shortly after earning my Bachelor’s degree, when I ventured into the rural and Himalayan regions of Nepal. The sheer diversity of people, cultures, and landscapes I encountered sparked a fervent desire within me to share these unique stories with the world.

Self-taught through the resources available on the internet and insights from friends, I honed my skills in filmmaking, with a particular focus on cinematography and editing. My work is driven by a commitment to enhance my storytelling abilities, aiming to bring the untold stories of Nepal to a global audience.

An ardent lover of the outdoors, I relish the opportunity to explore new places, cuisines, cultures, and meet new people, continually broadening my horizon and deepening my work. As I continue to grow in my career, I am eager to refine my craft, seeking to capture and portray the nuanced beauty of the world through the lens of my camera.