Fall 2024 Showcase Neen
BLACKNE$$: To Whom Does it Profit?
BLACKNE$$ was created out of a deep need to respond to, question, and critically unpack my frustrations with problematic practices such as digital blackface and cultural appropriation. Creating it gave me room to process my anger constructively. Though the motivation for the project was steeped in rage, it was my goal to educate myself just as much as I sought to educate others. In doing so the project became a creative catharsis that provided an experimental place of pride, play, and understanding. I chose to focus on the financial aspect because it bolstered the narrative in objectivity and is a vital part of why these issues persist. To me, it is also the most insidious part of the issue as it distills the black human experience into a product for financial gains that the black community does not benefit from at large. Striking the right balance between experimentation and heavy historical facts to make clear the cycle of racial exploitation was a challenge. Still, I wanted the film to celebrate Black expression, existence, and persistence – Black being.
NEEN. is a documentarian and narrative filmmaker deeply moved by whimsy, joy, justice, and the supernatural. She aims to tell stories of and about Black folk across the diaspora that evoke those elements to uplift, educate, and inspire.