Act now to build a better tomorrow for the Center for the Study of Southern Culture. Ole Miss Giving Day starts this morning. Today and tomorrow, our alumni, friends, faculty, staff, and even students will give to strengthen the Center and the entire university – forever.
We invite you to join the celebration! Visit the CSSC Giving Day page to find out how your gifts – no matter the size – can make a powerful impact at the University of Mississippi and on Southern Studies students. Once you’ve made a gift, spread the word on your social networks and invite others to join you.

Your gifts to the Center for the Study of Southern Culture benefit teaching, publications, and outreach at the first interdisciplinary research center dedicated to the American South. Three partner institutes – the Southern Documentary Project, the Southern Foodways Alliance and Living Blues magazine – advance the Center’s mission. Support for our academic programs, publications and institutes help the Center establish Ole Miss as a worldwide model for interdisciplinary regional studies programs.

The University of Mississippi is one of America’s leading flagship institutions today because of those who came before us. What we build tomorrow will be possible because of you.

Posted in: General News